A new floor went in, at long last. There is still a section near the sink and appliances that needs to be replaced, but that will wait until the cabinetry is finished. Speaking of cabinetry--the first 3 cabinets are visible here. Pat made these himself from maple lumber that he purchased from a friend-of-a-friend who is in the flooring business. Please ignore the ugly green counter top. It is due to be replaced after the rest of the cabinets are built.
Babies and mallets? hmmmm...
The boys love shadowing their Dad when he's working with tools.
There was lots of baking. Muffin recipe here.
Holly baked this cake using Alton Brown's recipe. It was so, so good.
The girls got silly socks. The boys each got a water pistol and a plush finger puppet something like this. Everyone got a new spring-themed tumbler, filled with layers of candy separated by muffin tin liners. Each basket had a fluffy baby chick on top.
I thought we'd just do without the egg-dying this year, but that was not to be the case. Instead, we waited until after Easter brunch to color the eggs. Better late than never, I guess. (Depending on who you ask!)
Thankfully, Aunt Nancy was on hand to supervise this part of the day. The method we used allows only one person to work at a time, which is probably a very good thing.
Little hands are prone to big messes. Thankfully, the dye stayed where it was meant to be.
Inspecting the results, almost finished.
This little guy was not involved in any way other than watching from his nearby perch. Doesn't he look tough with his short-short hair? My baby! Where has he gone?
Brunch! The waffle irons were fired up soon after we arrived home from Mass.
What you don't see are the coconut eggs, the cake, the waffles or the whipped topping. I was too busy eating to take photos.
Why don't I make deviled eggs more often? They are so, so yummy.
We were all stuffed to the gills afterward, and retired to the living room to watch Inception (again), and last week's episode of The Amazing Race on DVR. The little kids watched The Incredibles on the laptop in the room next-door.
Later we met with friends for Sunday outdoor rosary at a nearby church.
It was the perfect ending to a wonderful weekend!
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