...from a day spent wading in the waters of a not-too-far-away lake, eating my Aunt's unspeakably delicious chocolate chip cookies, and jumping off Uncle Jack's pontoon boat.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sean's Treasures
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12:20 PM
Labels: Family
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Trip to the Keweenaw

We had lunch at The Library. We were told that the original building had burned down some years ago. Pat and I used to come here only on rare occasions, and usually not with each other. It was pretty expensive back then (and still is).

Next, the moment I had been waiting for! A visit to the campus. Most of my college classes were held here, the Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics (MEEM) building. Unfortunately, we were not able to go inside. I was hoping we'd be able to ride the super-fast elevator with the kids. But, no.

I took a picture of CoEd Hall, in case my old roomie is reading (hey Becky!). When we attended MTU, the ratio of female-to-male students was 1:4. I think it's closer to 1:1 these days.

We left Houghton and headed further north as far as the highway would take us, to Copper Harbor. This trip took us on tree-canopied, winding roads all the way to the tippy top of the peninsula.

On the return-trip we took some shots on Brockway Mountain.

See the thing that looks like a shrub at the bottom of the frame? That's the top-view of a tree! The kids were afraid we would tumble to our death, but the view was spectacular and we were in no danger. It was ironic to hear, "Get away from the edge, you'll kill yourself!" from the children.

At the end of the day Holly snapped this shot of the sun setting over Lake Superior.

Next morning had us packed and out of the hotel and driving ten long hours home. So long, Keweenaw. Hope to see you again in less than 20 years.
Posted by
4:58 AM
Labels: Trips
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Look--an Escarpment!
Those words were uttered numerous times last weekend as we drove past the same escarpment again and again, traveling back and forth across a small section of Ontario. Whenever I heard someone else say the word, I had to repeat it once or twice myself just because it is such a fun word. It is my new favorite word, especially when the "ess" sound is exaggerated: essssscarpment.
Patrick had work stuff to do in Oakville, and the rest of us were allowed to tag along. Any excuse to stay in a hotel works for the kids. Here's Liam ordering room service:
On Sunday we attended Mass at the cathedral, which was just down the road from our hotel. I took this shot from the car as we made our way home on Monday. On Sunday, the weather wasn't nearly that nice.
No, on Sunday the weather was dreadful. That was the day we visited Niagara Falls. Here's a shot of the last of the happy, white, puffy clouds being shoved out of the way to make room for the angry, heavy, storm clouds.
They get angrier:
We bought tickets to go "Behind the Falls". On this close-up encounter with nature, we were provided with bright yellow rain ponchos and encouraged to explore. We were led to a tunnel and were told to watch for various viewing points along the way. The tunnel branched off and opened up to the Falls in several spots. The first two viewing areas we stopped at were lame. Really lame! Nothing at all but mist was visible through the opening. I had trudged through the long, dingy passageway shoulder-to-shoulder with dozens of strangers; my four babies in tow for this?! I was unimpressed. Until the third branch.
At the third branch there was a balcony. And steps. And The Falls up close! It was storming. The wind was whipping and water was flying everywhere. Very cool. The kids got a couple of shots of this part:
I'm glad the baby was sleeping, I think he would've been scared of this part. How is it that babies can sleep through stuff like this? (No, I didn't take him onto the balcony.)
Posted by
6:30 AM
Monday, August 4, 2008
He Even Makes Coffee
If I haven't mentioned it before, I'd like you to know that I have a great husband. There are many examples of his fabulousness, but the most recent is his ability to make frozen coffee drinks for me. Yesterday was his first attempt, and HOLY COW. He did good.
Today he got home from work a little early and decided to see if he could replicate his earlier success. He did! I am a lucky, lucky wife.
He claims that there is no magic involved, so maybe these steps will work for you, too. I will close my eyes while I post this. If I learn this process myself, I may never drink anything else.
Patrick grinds his own beans and his instructions say "full coffee grinder, 6 cups in coffee maker". I believe the translation for that is "make some really strong coffee". Pour 1 to 1-1/2 cups of chilled coffee into your blender along with 1/2 cup of creamer.
Add 4 teaspoons granulated sugar, and 1/3 cup chocolate syrup. Pulse to blend.
Fill the blender to the 8-cup mark with ice cubes. Hit "puree" and blend for about one minute.
Pour into a tall glass and add a jumbo straw that you saved from Panera for just such an occasion.
MMMMMmmmmmmm frozen goodness.
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1:32 PM